

Our Services

Entech is your facilities engineering expert for any optimization needs

Mechanical Engineering

Entech is your mechanical engineering professionals for commercial real estate, institutional, health care, and industrial facilities. We specialize in energy management systems, HVAC systems, electrical harmonics conditioning, and process cooling & heating systems. Our services focus on occupancy safety + optimization + facilities resilience.

Energy Conservation

With over 30 years of professional success of decarbonizing facilities, Entech is your premier partner for roadmapping and executing facilities energy optimization. Since you cannot manage what is not measured, Entech can provide technologies that collects and analyzes energy data with AI / machine learning and innovative edge hardware. One of our values is “We hate waste!”, therefore we work hard to provide energy optimization solutions can self-fund or provide aggressive ROI’s.

HVAC Systems Design

Entech professionals actively engages continuous professional development with APPA, ASHRAE, National Labs, and innovative business partners regarding HVAC systems best design practices. This enables Entech to produce and deliver highly energy efficient and very maintainable systems. APPA’s Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) standard provides a foundation for longevity of HVAC assets, optimizing not only cost, but operational maintenance.

Facilities Assessment

Entech professionals have worked in facilities operations for more than 30 years. This experience combined with high technical knowledge provides a basis if ‘best in class’ at the best value of facilities assessments and evaluation. Entech can provide 5, 10, and 15 year roadmaps of capital renewal that matches the organization financial constraints and enables the organizational mission.


Data Analytics

Logo Design

Social media management

Website Design & Development

Performance Marketing

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Marketing

Media Buying

Email Marketing

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